For you, for us... with Love ❤️
A warm wave of thoughts, moments, and excitement from the past year has been flooding me in recent days. Every moment opens up like a colorful picture before me, which I can observe and analyze for hours. Like a thread of life, hard work, people, emotions, situations, doubts, self-criticism, lessons, failures, joys, praises, successes...
I don't know if this is that kind of reckoning that naturally, quietly and skillfully manages to sneak up on you and embrace you with velvet gloves at the end of each year. I know for sure, however, that it is a strong inner urge that needs to be brought out. Here, in my favorite space of words, emotions, thoughts, feelings and stories - part of my inner world.

I realize how much we have achieved as a team and a brand. And it doesn't matter how big you are in the big picture, what matters is to have a big heart and dreams. To believe and do things as your intuition and soul suggest and guide you. They never lie.
How much I have achieved - professionally and personally. I still have a hard time evaluating myself and my work, but I am learning, I am learning every day. This is the biggest challenge. The personal battle.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who is with us. To everyone who supports us, sees meaning, joy and recognizes what we do with great effort, focus and love. Thank you also to those who don't like us. We learn a lot from them too :)
It is a pleasure to receive nice and kind messages, with which you prove to us that we are on the right track and appreciate our work and efforts. When you share that you SEE the beauty, the detail, the effort. That we have charged you with passion and enthusiasm to make you feel special. Then I remember that everything we do and build is not just a business, but much more and is worth it. It is these small, but extremely important gestures that inspire me and give me momentum, meaning and joy, especially in difficult times.

I thank my boy for walking bravely and crazily together, for putting up with me, loving me, supporting me and taking care of the bills, haha, I'm naked there... And even though there are only two of us in the management of the brand, we achieve so much. From creating and selecting the collections and all the processes related to them, to carrying boxes, communicating with partners, suppliers, couriers, prices, emails, finances, planning, the 24/7 work on photos, processing, driving, marketing, content, technical parameters, website, social networks... and more, and more... Wow, only after I wrote it did I realize what a whirlwind we are really going through

Thank you to my mom, who is always on the phone to tell me "You're doing great!", to reassure me, listen, or give me advice when I need it. Mothers are a GREAT POWER, GREAT. Dad, I miss you so much!
Thank you to my girls in the office, who pack and prepare your orders diligently every day, put up with me :), hold the reins tight, deal with couriers, unravel cases like detectives, talk to you on the phone, iron, sew, tidy... I'm nowhere without you. And the last few days have been real Christmas elves, honestly! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Ohhhh, I got emotional, but what can I do, that's just the way I am. Spirituality has always been a guiding force for me. I hope it stays that way...
Besides wishing you a happy holiday, full of smiles and loved ones, dear fiery girls. Be careful with overeating, don't miss sports and exercise and accept the big and small family quarrels with love. We know how it is, haha. I tell myself that too. I sincerely wish you to be healthy, full of love, strength and energy, to allow yourself to fulfill and act confidently and bravely, to seek with
Cheers to you, to us!
To new joys in the new year 2025!
With love!