June 10, 2024
Shop with pleasure!
Hey, hey, girls!
Тhis topic has been on our minds for quite some time, in fact ever since we launched the brand. Namely, how to shop effectively, with enjoyment, and ultimately be satisfied. We place a lot of emphasis on this and make daily efforts in this direction. Because above all, as we have said before, we don't want to and don't offer you just clothes and products, but an experience.
Ever since the launch of Plámenna, it made a strong impression on us that hasty, ill-considered, and wrong decisions are made quite often. Purchased in a hurry, somewhere amidst all the tasks and daily obligations, or simply out of curiosity to see the item live without a commitment to a meaningful purchase.
Here's a telling case from our practice. A client orders a coat, tries it on quickly at home, doesn't have time to feel it, look at it and see it calmly, and accordingly decides to return it. The next day, she called us asking to redirect the coat back to her because she actually realized that she really likes it and still wants to get it, personally sharing with us that she failed to properly assess her purchase at that moment. And this is not an isolated case. And here we wondered how much unnecessary resources are wasted, back-and-forth movement, packaging, fuel, etc... and how we could avoid this, knowing that it makes sense and is reasonable.
We believe that the best thing about online shopping is the ability to receive your purchase without any effort. To look forward to it with excitement and impatience, to pour yourself a glass of wine while opening it with pleasure, to try it on at your leisure, to match it with everything possible that you could, to assess and decide whether this product is really for you, whether you will wear it and whether it will bring you joy. To feel it, like a pleasant ritual, with attitude. Something you certainly cannot do in a hurry, even in a physical store.
And we truly hope to make your shopping more than pleasant, and for our products to be your favorites that you wear with joy. Your opinion matters to us and we would be happy for you to share what you think. We are always open :)