Plámenna & Idea Toscana

Everything happens just when the right time comes, when it is ripe and completely ready to open up to you. You are ready too, often without suspecting it :) 

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and you'll agree with me. 

Not too long ago, but long enough, the idea of ​​"something new" crept in and felt. A natural continuation of Plámenna - inspiration, project, challenge, part of our development not only as a brand, but also in a purely life aspect...

The question was, what is it?! 

And when we least expected it, it found us… and we felt it! First by his divine fragrance, and then by his soul. 

It's called Idea Toscana and it got us so excited I couldn't sleep lol. 

We stumbled upon their products and were enchanted. We unanimously said: This is it! And without any hesitation and with a little effort, we not only found them, but also burst into their office, convinced and curious, which is located in the heart of Tuscany and seemed to be waiting for us. My hands are sweaty, I start to explain myself in English, my Italian is still not good enough, horror, I know, so… shame no shame, I continue. After a certain amount of introduction on my part of who we are, why we are there and what we want, we come to our word, I relax and realize that we have actually come to a very special place, completely intoxicated by the scent of pure nature, olives, flowers... And they are wonderful people! They opened their hearts to us and received us with such warmth... God, how grateful I am! Leonardo, if you are reading these lines, we are very happy to have met you, you know :) 

I won't go into more details so as not to become boring, just that we got to know the history of their family business, the ethics, the mission, the idea and the soul of the brand and we completely fell in love, were greatly inspired, impressed and recognized in everything, which they do. 

So, you might be thinking of the natural course of things… 

Plámenna & Idea Toscana

As I mentioned at the beginning, we recognized each other by smell. It's a bit like following your instincts, except you also trust your sense of smell :)

We rolled up our sleeves confidently and with a smile because the first step has already been taken to move on to the next. And this is YOU, fiery girls. To be able to unfold before you the gifts of nature, olives, Tuscan olive oil and its miracles - color by color, fragrance after fragrance, carefully and with love. We sincerely hope that you will not only like them, but that they will become a part of your daily life, as they have become part of ours. When Leonardo first introduced me to the scented textile spray, I said to myself: “My God! Of course! The dresses were just missing that, how come I didn't think of it sooner!” I even told him exactly that, I remember :)

The perfect tool with which clothes will come to life, blossom, smell. Our wardrobe will become a flower garden and every time we open it will be a real delight. This is exactly what happened to our office, I wonder what we did until now without them. The dresses said the same :)

And not only. It's perfect for curtains, couches, towels, sheets, cars, etc... Genius! It doesn't leave any marks, just a scent...

The range of products is exactly what we need to take full and more than good care of ourselves, our loved ones, home and workplace. From fragrances for textiles and spaces, gentle hands and beautiful nails, to hair, face, body and soul. Also perfect for a gift.

Natural, certified, safe for both us and nature. Not just cosmetics, but a philosophy, transparency and a way of life (in Italian). 

You will see for yourself! 

In closing, I will conclude by saying that we strongly hope that you will trust us this time as well. Rediscover yourself in the magic of Tuscan olive and olive oil, which will open a new world in front of you and give you an explosion of aromas, healing properties and comfort. 

Thank you for being here! 
With love! 
Plámenna & Idea Toscana