Happy 5 🎉 Happy Birthday, Plámenna 🎉

Step by step, we turned 5!


Happy 5th birthday, my dear place, space, brand, soul, heart, joy, anxiety, success, doubt, fear, apprehension, exaltation, inspiration, excitement, strength, aspiration, growth, yearning...

Yes, Plámenna is all that. At least for me/us. A breathing and throbbing organism. I have always had a hard time calling our activity and everything we do a business. It's like that to this day. I have said another time that, by chance or not, we launched the brand exactly on June 1st. And maybe he himself chose this special (for me) moment. I even strongly believe that it is rather so. My birthday month, Children's Day, welcoming summer, school ending and vacation starting, sea, mountains, country time, games, carefree days... this has been and will always be the month of June for me - full of good things , bright, sunny emotions.

I dreamed of a place of my own, in which I would comfortably settle in, work, seethe and express myself. I didn't suspect that my life was weaving thread by thread this time. I did not know that I would go through so many difficulties, fears and doubts, but I also did not know this extraordinary feeling of satisfaction, joy, success, strength, courage, passion, imagination, love. I meet and get to know myself every day in incredible ways, not afraid to see what lies there. A daily struggle, but often a victory...

I met you too, dear girls. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by and recognizing yourself in all that we do. Thanks for writing, sharing, sending photos, shopping with your heart and soul.

Thank you for everything!

On the occasion of our birthday and the way we have come here, we thought of preparing a short but valuable and useful survey to give us your feedback and opinion, to share recommendations and wishes. The truth is, we didn't expect so many of you to join. And here I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. For everything you have shared, for the wishes, the criticism that is extremely helpful and inspiring, for the presence and attitude.

For some time we can boast that we are an official brand positioned in the Romanian market, where we also enjoy faithful, beautiful and passionate girls who have appreciated and recognized themselves in the soul of Plámenna. Mulțumesc! We are very lucky indeed! I didn't even imagine it, well, maybe in my wildest and bravest dreams :)

And a little in numbers and words:

With a huge smile on our face and a full heart, we can also boast here that over 75% of you rate your overall shopping experience with us as "Excellent". Another 22% rated us "Very Good". 2/3 of those who completed the survey rate the quality of our products as excellent and another 25% as very good.

We're only 5 years old and I feel like we've been through so much. Well, there is much to be desired, there is room for development, expression, improvement, but now we are happy with everything we have and have achieved. It's nice!

Here are a few wishes shared by you as the finale of our survey, which deeply moved us, and we cannot pass them by easily, so we allow ourselves to share them with affection and joy.

PS We can't publish all the hundreds of wishes. We don't know which of you are their authors, but we are very excited and inspired by them.


To the question: What would you like to tell us or wish us for our fifth birthday?, you shared:

"I wish you to stay positive and celebrate many more birthdays!"

"Keep it up, it's great!"

"The models and clothes are wonderful, very good quality and workmanship, the fabrics are very nice. I recently learned about the site, but I have already made a lot of purchases from my profile and my mother's. Good luck!"

"I love your boutique! Quite often I get asked where these colorful and original dresses/vests/coats are from because they make an impression from afar! I recommend you to everyone! I wish you to continue to radiate beauty because it is not only in the little things , but also in the hearts of great people!"

"I wish that the energy and positivity that you undoubtedly possess continues to motivate you at work! On a personal level, may you be healthy and very happy! Keep making me special!"

"Keep being creative, sunny and positive. That's what the site and social networks exude. Keep your identity. I always check your site when I'm looking for something specific."

"I recently discovered you, but after the first shipment I received, I started shopping actively. Keep up the creative and inspiring work!"

"It is an absolute pleasure to look at the models. I look forward to every new collection!"

"Be healthy and very happy! Have magic and goodness in your life! Keep being so inspiring and fiery!"

"Keep up the good work, you are very inspiring, you are very fresh!"

"Keep inspiring people and making them feel wonderful! Thank you for having you!"

"You offer not just a product, but an experience. Keep up the same attention to detail and special customer service!"

"Happy birthday! You are my favorite place. I look at you even when I'm not shopping for mood and positive emotions. You are perfect! Stay like this and be healthy!"

"Continue to please your customers with interesting models of clothes, shoes, accessories! Thank you for having you, because together with you I am both up to date with fashion, but also manage to emphasize my individuality. You make me feel colorful, original, special and FLAMING! Happy birthday!"

"Happy Birthday! I'm excited with you and wish you more inspiration, joy, expansion in every beautiful aspect, sunny clients and fulfillment of your wildest dreams and intentions! : )))"


And more and more...you're great, colorful and fiery girls, you know, and don't ever doubt it, you hear?! :)

And now, as on a holiday, it's time for gifts and surprises. From today, June 1st to June 5th, all products on our site will be 15% off. And that's not all :) Orders placed during this period will be entered into a raffle for 5 vouchers worth BGN 100. We will announce the winners at the end of the month. Good luck!

And we wish to keep believing in the miracles of life, to be healthy, hardworking, smiling, true to ourselves, full of love and to manage to find meaning and direction even in the most difficult moments.

Once again - Thank you for being here! And happy wonderful Children's Day!
Love from me/us!