Review and test, but at home!
Girls, the topic has been exciting us for a long time, actually since the moment we launched the brand. Namely, how to shop efficiently, with pleasure, and in the end, be satisfied. We care a lot about this and make daily efforts in this direction. Because above all, as we have said before, we don't want and offer you just clothes, but an experience.
Recently, we have been strongly impressed that with the View and test option, which the online trade in Bulgaria has imposed, there is a loophole that we are trying to avoid, not for our convenience, but for yours. Platforms like OLX have imposed this practice because their products are mostly used, offered by individuals, not official e-stores, etc... Shopping from an official e-store with VAT registration and NRA registration is advisable another case. The risk of fraud and impropriety is almost nil, and the benefits are enormous.
Here is an illustrative case from our practice. A customer ordered a coat to a courier office, but due to people waiting in line, the rush and all the unnecessary stress, she could not feel and see the product calmly and accordingly decided to return it to us. The next day she called us asking us to redirect the coat again because she actually realized that she liked it a lot and still wanted to get it, and she told us personally that she couldn't make a decision in the office calmly. And this is not an isolated case.
And here we thought about how much excess resource is wasted, moving back and forth, packaging, fuel, etc... and how we could avoid that, and we know it makes sense and is reasonable.
We believe that the best thing about online shopping is the ability to receive your purchase without any effort. To wait for it with excitement and impatience, to pour yourself a glass of wine while opening it with pleasure, to try it in peace, to combine it with everything possible with which you could, to evaluate and decide if this product is really for you, whether you will wear it and whether you will enjoy it. To feel it, like a pleasant ritual, with attitude. Something you certainly can't do in a courier's office, or even in a store.
And we really hope to make your shopping experience more than enjoyable, and our products to be loved and worn with joy.
Your opinion is important to us and we will be happy to share what you think.
Love from us!