Fresh & Beautiful
Hello! Hello! Ciao!
For the past two months, we've mostly woken up to these three languages.
As a child, and even after that, I dreamed perhaps most strongly of having the opportunity to travel the world. And I still do. Every day I dream of adventures and travels. However, the path to their fulfillment is hard work. As with everything else.
Our American story in January was truly a once in a lifetime adventure. I apologize if I'm repeating myself, maybe I've said it several times here and there on social media, but it was really like that and very, very nice. We had completely shut down and escaped from everything. As if in some magical capsule - another time-space, another life. Times, places, people and stories that left a lasting impression on me/us. It is incredible how each place touches, influences, gives and leaves a mark for a lifetime with its energy. And some are capable of changing you forever. I needed time to come to my senses after this trip, but at the same time I also needed to quickly brace myself, come back to reality, roll up my sleeves and get to work. It has never been so difficult for me, never, I tell you.
We left for Italy literally as soon as we got home from the States and it was almost 24/7 work, planning, communication, vendors, organization, photos, nerves, worries, etc. In short, the stuff of life and work. I was thrilled! Not because it's hard, but mostly because I've been sorely missing that addictive, intoxicating, unique feeling of freedom, like the wind playing with my hair through the open car window as I travel to a new landscape, an escape from reality and duties, to a distant and beautiful place, undisturbed by the problems of everyday life. Where it's just you and the journey of your dreams that you're making come true right now. And it's so beautiful, more beautiful than you even imagine...
Anyway. I'll be fine :)
So, fiery and neurotic girls, if you haven't taken a tour of the site yet, I'll unabashedly share that a rich, hot, dreamy, colorful, super fresh and beautiful spring collection awaits you, full of lots of love, emotions and passion. The name Fresh & Beautiful came super spontaneously, like a lot of other things, and we decided to stick with it because that's exactly what spring is - fresh and beautiful. I hope you will (re)discover yourself in it and we will be able to make you happy. We tried to have a variety of models, cuts, prints and fabrics. We cannot cheat, that's why we have not forgotten to prepare for you great Accessories , as well as exclusive Bags and belts of high quality and beautiful design, created in the heart of Tuscany, with special treatment through vegetable tanning, which gives a unique appearance to the leather . which gets better with time... I'll share more about that in a separate post since I've been going anyway :)
I leave a few favorite models with links to them, as well as to the entire collection , and you make yourself a coffee, sit comfortably on the couch and immerse/relax in it. And I want to ask you something: pay attention to the names of the products. There is a lot encoded in most of them, they carry their own spirit and history, tell and transport into their magical worlds, as well as the products that proudly carry them. They're not just names, almost like people :)
And I'm going to dream, because that's what I'm good at :)
You can view the entire Fresh & Beautiful collection here.
Luxury Accessories Collection - here.
Bags and belts collection - here.
Mix and match at will and be bold in your color choices!
Be Fresh & Beautiful!